Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Summer time and the living is easy

 Well,the British summer is upon us once again,which means Two full days of sun were we moan about how hot it is,then the rest of the year it rains.

  But summer time means i have to clear out the "shed of dreams" after a winter of freezing wet weather and throwing stuff in from the door so as not to stay to long outside.A price must be paid and last weekend i cleared the "shed of dreams" out and to mark the occasion i took a couple of photo's as this is as clean as it gets in there and its a downward spiral of mess until next summer clean out (a man needs a place to cut polystrene and not get moaned at for a FEW bits on the carpet).Things i would draw your attention to are,DAB radio for cricket commentary and radio 4extra and some times if nothing and i mean NOTHING else is on football,the huge mug of tea,which as i type i think is still in there gentle growing its own 5 o'clock green shadow, also the pack of cigars,brought for me by my sons as a fathers day treat,the building far right is my latest project and I'm doing a stage by stage build and paint but more of that later.Also the "cupboard of terrain shame"which has been reinforced a few times as my addiction for terrain increases.


  1. Bah! Summer, how I look forward to its return. In the middle of winter down here in Melbourne, though admittedly, its nothing like a UK winter. But still, its cold! haha.

    Nice shed. A man needs his own space where he can make as much mess as he desires ;)

  2. Apart from the drying time of glue in the winter i like it better than summer,give me rain and snow any day.

  3. Lee, it looks so much bigger on the pictures :D And as it's normal for Lee, you can see a whole (!) celtic army on one shet ...


  4. Guess what? FINALLY got Chris' mate to shift his stuff out of the garage! this doesn't mean I'll have my own painting area (that used to be in the loft), but it does mean I can get the old board back up and into action. However, I still crave my old painting area . . . . :O(

  5. well stephan i chucked aload of stuff out of the shed.

  6. gaz,at last mate.make a real mancave mate,dab radio heater in the winter,sorted.
