Saturday, 25 February 2012

More terrain for battle of Narwa gam

The battle of Narwa game a friend and i ("friend" is a bit strong more someone i haven't manged to  shake are putting on needed a big hill for the Germans to use as a HQ.It's hard in the pictures to get a sense of how big this piece is but one of the photos has a king tiger in it for scale.

Made from 3 polystyrene sheets pva glued together,then hacked about until hill shaped,with ployfiller/sand mix spread as a road surface.
      The pitted rough area's on the corner was  created by spraying it with battlefront spray paint which starts to eat the polystyrene away (i don't wish to talk about how i found this out many years ago,it was a sad day and i have moved on) when it eats enough away that you think looks good press a very wet towel onto it which will stop the paint eating away anymore of the polystyrene.
Painted using americano paints cinnamon brown adding more and more light grey for highlights.


  1. Lovely piece of work there mate. You're turning out a fair amount of scenic stuff of late. I think you def. qualify as a wargamer these days!

    WWII your main period now then?

    1. it seems to be,when i get anytime to paint for myself 15mm tanks and inf are quick to knock out.

  2. Top-drawer terrain-making there Chin.
    Quite how you produce all these terrain pieces whilst knocking out tons of superbly painted miniatures in different periods, is beyond me.

    1. i would like to say its all down to good looks and charm,but you know me better than
